SCEMD wants you to Know Your Zone.
South Carolina residents and visitors can learn about hurricane evacuation zones and their vulnerability to storm surge on South Carolina’s coast with our Know Your Zone interactive map below.
It’s very simple to use. Simply enter your address or the address of your desired location. You can also use the "Use Your Location" button to quickly move to your location. Users can zoom in and out of the map as well as move around to review any other areas of interest.
Know Your Zone also reflects the National Hurricane Center’s (NHC) predictions like storm surges.
SC Emergency Manager
The official app of SCEMD. Using this app, coastal residents can determine their zone based on their phone's location or by entering a physical address. Get the free app using the links below:
Use these maps and links below to determine your vulnerability to storm surge.
Click each map below for larger versions
Hurricane preparedness and evacuation information from your county emergency management office:
- Beaufort County
- Berkeley County
- Charleston County
- Colleton County
- Dorchester County
- Horry County
- Georgetown County
- Jasper County
The Know Your Zone campaign was developed by the Horry County Emergency Management Department as a result of the information contained in the South Carolina Hurricane Evacuation Study (HES) that was released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in 2012. Since it's creation, all coastal counties in South Carolina have adopted the Know Your Zone campaign as a way to let citizens know the best ways to prepare for the landfall of a major hurricane.